Monday, September 02, 2013

Mining Ethics From the Wind

Ethical Electric is America's first supplier of exclusively 100% renewable energy. They characterize themselves as "the good guys" in the energy industry. Their goal is to power as many American homes and businesses as possible with 100% clean energy from renewable sources like wind and solar.

Ethical Electric intends to use their profits to fund causes that benefit our planet and "advance equality, peace, justice and opportunity." To spread the word, they're partnering with some of such prominent environmental organizations as the Sierra Club, the League of Conservation Voters and the Wilderness Society.

Switching is fast and easy - you'll still get the same bill, the same service, over the same wires. All that changes is that instead of powering your home with dirty energy, like oil, gas and nuclear, funding dirty politics, your electricity will be 100% from local, renewable sources and a share of your electric bill will help support their affiliated environmental causes.(click on photo to enlarge)

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