Friday, September 05, 2008

NIMBY Gets Windy

Hannah's blowby has whetted our appetite for the growing potential of wind energy.
Our previously mentioned visionary from Wayne has just had his dreams of a backyard wind turbine rained on by a nervous town council. Details an an extended debate on the subject can be found here.

At the same time, comes news of a micro-windmill technology than seems analogous to "bathtub gin" for a backyard(or windowsill) underground movement that may steal the breeze out of sight of the neighbors.

The gear-like turbines can be linked to fit just about anywhere and a row of eight turbines costs just $150 for now (prices may decrease once the turbines are mass produced). Early tests indicate that turbines arranged within a surface area of one square meter and a wind speed of 5 m/sec generate 131 kWh/yr.

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